Monday, February 27, 2012

Pioneer and Frontier Life

If you are enjoying Emily's Fortune, here are a few other books about frontier and pioneer life that you might want to read...

The Misadventures of Maude March, or, Trouble Rides a Fast Horse by Audrey Couloumbis
After the death of the stern aunt who raised them since they were orphaned, eleven-year-old Sallie and her fifteen-year-old sister escape their self-serving guardians and begin an adventure resembling those in the dime novels Sallie loves to read.

The Devil in Ol' Rosie by Louise Moeri
Sent into the wilderness of eastern Oregon in 1907 to roundup the family's escaped horses, twelve-year-old Wart struggles against great dangers before gaining his father's respect.

As Far as I Can See by Kate McMullan (My America series)
In her diary for 1856, nine-year-old Meg describes the long, dangerous journey she and her younger brother make from Missouri to Kansas, as well as the new life they find there.

Orphan Journey Home by Liza Ketchum
In 1828, while traveling from Illinois to Kentucky, twelve-year-old Jesse and her two brothers and sister lose their parents to the milk sickness and must try to finish the dangerous journey by themselves.

Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder
The Ingalls family packs up their covered wagon and travels from the big woods of Wisconsin to a new home in Kansas Territory, where wide open land stretches as far as the eye can see. On the prairie, they build a house, meet neighboring Indians, build a well, and fight a prairie fire.

And learn more about pioneers, Montana's frontier life and pioneers and westward expansion.

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