Monday, April 8, 2013

Reading Week

This week, April 8 - 12, is Reading Week!  This year's theme is "Dig Deep: Unearth a Good Book" which matches our 2013 summer reading theme, "Dig Into Reading."  Stay tuned in the coming weeks for details about this year's Summer Reading Program and in the meantime get into the spirit of things with these books you can really dig into:

Theodosia and the Serpents of Chaos by R. L. LaFevers
Twelve-year-old Theo uses arcane knowledge and her own special talent when she encounters two secret societies, one sworn to protect the world from ancient Egyptian magic and one planning to harness it to bring chaos to the world, both of which want a valuable artifact stolen from the London museum for which her parents work.

Holes by Louis Sachar
As further evidence of his family's bad fortune which they attribute to a curse on a distant relative, Stanley Yelnats is sent to a hellish correctional camp in the Texas desert where he finds his first real friend, a treasure, and a new sense of himself.

Leepike Ridge by Nathan Wilson
While his widowed mother continues to search for him, eleven-year-old Tom, presumed dead after drifting away down a river, finds himself trapped in a series of underground caves with another survivor and a dog, and pursued by murderous treasure-hunters.

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